Meet Kerthy

Hi everyone, my name is Kerthy Sugunathevan (@keke2691) and I will be starting my fourth year of medical school at the University of Medicine and Health Sciences @umhs_stkitts. A career in the healthcare field has been a dream of mine and now the closer I get to the finish line the more I tend to reflect on this journey that us medical students go through. The one thing that I constantly come back to is appreciating how grateful I am for my support system, and how much they have helped me stay supported through this journey. I’m currently in the process of beginning my fourth year sub-internships and have keenly noticed the pressure to be on your “A-game.” It’s exhausting. Overcoming burnout is a challenge that many of us will face. According to Emily and Amelia Nagoski’s book “Burnout” Burnout is made of 3 components Taking care of our own burnout is easier said than done. Tools I use that I’ve found helpful is my 5-minute journal that helps me dedicate time to be mindful and introspective. Additionally, I try to be intentional with my rest by adding breaks in my schedule and I try my best to manage stressors through prioritizing talking with my support system, journaling and working out. I’ve had to tell that voice in my head that its okay to go to the gym instead of study and getting some physical activity in each day has made all the difference. Through every rotation, I have come to appreciate the importance of mental health, however, as medical students, I feel like we too need to take the time to take care of our mental health and hopefully through platforms like this we can continue to have these important conversations and normalize conversations around mental health among medical students and physicians.”